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Nulla sagittis maximus risus vitae rhoncus. Sed dictum, velit sit amet lobortis euismod, odio nulla aliquet nisi, eget porttitor metus lectus in massa. Maecenas mattis ante sed nunc tincidunt commodo. Nam nec cursus metus. Vivamus convallis in magna sed sollicitudin. Aliquam a magna orci. Nullam id rhoncus purus. Phasellus tristique viverra felis et egestas. Nulla odio ante, eleifend imperdiet diam elementum, viverra aliquam felis. Quisque mattis et felis vitae maximus.

Fusce vulputate sagittis ipsum sed cursus. Integer eget justo ac dui rutrum dictum at nec libero. Donec ornare, felis et dapibus mattis, leo enim semper ipsum, vitae lobortis felis eros at dolor. Pellentesque facilisis urna sed mauris ornare finibus. Nam aliquet nibh quis felis feugiat mattis. Nulla facilisi. Integer ac enim gravida, finibus libero ut, vestibulum quam.

Etiam quis nunc et arcu mollis ornare congue at sapien. Ut luctus ultrices felis id vestibulum. Morbi ultricies lorem dignissim, sagittis diam sit amet, molestie neque. Cras et orci tincidunt, auctor turpis sed, fermentum lorem. Nam tristique arcu molestie, varius dolor ut, egestas orci. Etiam porttitor mauris a felis hendrerit, et bibendum eros elementum. Nam congue nisl nec lobortis maximus. Pellentesque vitae leo ut nibh cursus sollicitudin. Ut mauris mi, fermentum ac neque vitae, tempor posuere erat. Nulla facilisi. Ut quam ligula, sagittis in mollis ut, tincidunt ac nunc.

JSN Megazine has incredibly beautiful clean design with ultra flexible layout built-up from 36+ module positions. The combination of 6 colors variation, 5 menu styles and 6 module styles results in a really remarkable website. In addition, super rich typography makes your content look stunning and clear for all users.


36+ module positions allowing you to have multiple layout configurations. All module positions are collapsible and can arrange modules in horizontal or vertical layout.

More about layout

Color Variations

6 major color variations for your taste. Each color variation covers not only the main background, but also color of drop-down menu, links, table's header and more.

More about colors

Menu Styles

5 menu styles to display your website navigation on multiple positions. The built-in menu module is utilized, so you don't need to install any external menu modules.

More about menu styles


Super rich typography ready for the most comprehensive content presentation. Headings, text, links, tables, images, everything was designed with high level of refinement.

More about typography

Module Styles

JSN Megazine provides 6 box designs, which can be combined with 450 predefined icons for outstading module styling. Make your modules look good easily!

More about modules styles

Font Styles

3 font face options for major website types and 3 font size options for major audience. Each font face option is a combination of 2 font types, which looks stunning..

More about font styles

Flexible font options

JSN Megazine 2 provides two font options for your template: 800+ Google fonts and standard font.

To make your website content look even better, we included feature to load special fonts directly from Google Font Directory. Google fonts are selected through a magic font picker, and you don't have to touch a single line of code for font embedding. Since this service is provided by Google, it's very reliable and fast.

Google fonts with Live Preview

Google fonts preview

Standard Fonts with enhanced Live Font Preview

Standard Fonts

Browsing through Google fonts collection

Google font Collection

"Online News / Magazine" style with special font

New Drag-n-Drop Layout Builder

Layout Builder

The good new is, with the new Sun Framework, you can freely modify any layout element in JSN Megazine 2 to any degree with complete design control. This framework helps you go beyond any limit that you might experience with the first JSN Megazine 2 template or any other Joomla templates in the market.

Unlimited Module Positions

Just with drag-n-drop in the Layout Builder, you can create Joomla module position on the fly without having to write a single line of code. Thanks to the power of Sun Framework, JSN Megazine 2 provides UNLIMITED module positions in addition to the pre-built ones.

Layout Variations

JSN Megazine 2 layout system is flexible and capable than ever before. The built-in module positions are designed in smart way to cover all possible spot where you might want to put content. However, please do not be confused by them or think that they are all the variations that you can have. They are are just some examples that we create to help you speed up your site development process. You can create your own layout variation in any style you want. Bellow is live presentation of some most popular layout variations:




Zespół naszych Specjalistów Prenatalnych wykonujących badania prenatalne w naszym Centrum Badań Prenatalnych


Czym są badania prenatalne


Opis stosowanych przez nas badań prenatalnych, opis podstawowych zagadnień związanych z badaniami prenatalnymi


Do pobrania


Niezbędne formularze do pobrania dla naszych pacjentów



Warto wiedzieć


Rzeczy które warto wiedzieć o badaniach prenatalnych, dodatkowe informacje dla naszych Pacjentów



Zarejestruj się na wizyte stacjonarną. Możesz to zrobić online lub telefonicznie.


Oferta i cennik

Nasza oferta badań prenatalnych oraz cennik usług z których mogą korzystać nasi Pacjenci



Przykładowe zdjęcia z badań prenatalnych wykonywanych w trakcie konsultacji medycznych



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